Hoosier Fix is a 501(c)3 Non Profit that provides free or reduced cost spay/neuter surgeries and vaccinations for dog and cat owners in Marion County, Indiana and surrounding areas.
Please stay tuned as we plan to open up for more applications in April!
Visit the RESOURCES tab on our website additional pet related information.
Please visit our friends at Indydogs.org to learn more about their program for spay/neuter of Marion County dogs (click here) and FIDO for both Marion County dogs and indoor cats (click here). You must qualify and agree to terms for both programs.
Interested in Helping Us Fix More Pets?

Total Dogs / Cats Spayed and Neutered via Hoosier Fix in 2025!
Total Dogs / Cats Spayed and Neutered via Hoosier Fix in 2024!
Total Dogs / Cats Spayed and Neutered via Hoosier Fix since 9/2020 (our founding)!
Click HERE to learn more about getting your own Pet Friendly license plate to support spay/neuter efforts in Indiana!