Hoosier Fix is a 501(c)(3) Non Profit.  Our Tax ID Number is 85-3086391



We earned a 2022 Platinum Seal of Transparency!


Donations of any amount are welcomed and appreciated.  You may choose to make a one-time donation or become a monthly donor.


We are 100% donor financed and the recipients of some very generous grants through IndyHumane.  We do not have a building, utilities, salaries, and/or administrative, marketing or transportation costs, etc.  100% of all donations go towards spay/neuter/vaccinations at IndyHumane’s Downtown Clinic, Indianapolis, IN 46222.  


Our costs (this is special pricing not available to the general public)


$20 covers a rabies vaccine for a dog or cat and booster vaccination (FVRCP for a cat or DAPPV for a dog)


 $110 with vaccines covers the cost of spay/neuter of a cat (includes pain meds and e-collar


$160 with vaccines covers the cost of spay/neuter of a dog (includes pain meds and e-collar).


*We offer vaccinations along with spay/neuter only.  


If you wish any public recognition of your donation (with or without naming credit), or if you wish for the donation to be in honor or in memory of a person or pet, please include this information with your contribution.  We are happy to acknowledge this donation with a letter or card.